The 21 Love Languages of God
21 keys to the Heart of God
Book for sale by the Founder John Boyd
The 21 Love Languages of God
This book further advances the idea that quality relationship development requires understanding of the unique emotional, psychological and social preferences of people. However, it goes further than the human realm and leads the reader, beyond human to human relationship development, towards the guiding principles upon which one can develop a quality relationship with God.
$39.00 + $12.00 Shipping
A portion of the proceeds from the book sales goes to fund
The Boyd Group for Creative Solutions activities

“The Book from John” Musical
Available online on April 17, 2021 at 9 pm EST
A whimsical yet profound musical about a “rugged individual” that goes by the name John River.
Obsessed with freedom and self- expression, he is very misunderstood by his life coaches, who think he needs to be evaluated by a professional therapist called in from Italy. During their sessions he goes in and out of his dressing room onto the stage to perform with exceptional artists and a live orchestra.
A splendid journey on all his thoughts about freedom and the key concepts of his favorite book “The 21 Love Languages of God” by John D. Boyd.
This splendid journey will leave you inspired to seek your own path to your authentic self-expression and join in the “Freedom Parade.”
A portion of the proceeds from the ticket sales goes to fund
The Boyd Group for Creative Solutions activities

Ticket Options
Please note that The Boyd Group For Creative Solutions has been approved for the IRS Section 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status. Any donation will be tax deductible as a charitable contribution for federal income tax purposes.
Next Performance
October 2021
“Using Our Collective Genius to Find Solutions”